BYU Kennedy Center - China Teachers Program

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mark and Robin

How great to have some family come!  Rog was great to help organize and plan.

We've tried to go everywhere and see everything!  It was tiring for four old codgers but considering this is a city with 5000 years of history, we managed to see a lot in three and a half days.

Our students especially liked having them teach about life in CA, including Mark's forestry firefighting.

Thanks to friends and students who came along and translated, we could find our way, etc.  M & R especially wanted to see trees and gardens, but we saw other things, too. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Girls at Free Talk

We have the students come over once a week for free talk.  They ride the bus to our apartment and then we cook American food together and set the table American style and eat lunch together.

Our menu has been fried chicken and mashed potatoes and green salad.  It's unusual because it's not common here to eat a vegetable that isn't cooked.  These girls are cute and smart and good!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ceramics Museum I

Beautiful things in this museum!  This amazing gentleman, the owner/curator/director, is famous for his expertise.  He has gathered some wonderful, valuable pieces.  The triple color glaze is from the Tang Dynasty, China's Golden Era. He has particularly gathered oxen.

After looking at the fabulous statues, we ended up in a private sector to see even more precious items where we were allowed to handle actual pieces from these earlier dynasties. Wow!

Monday, May 7, 2012

The enormous front gate, a remake of the original.

Opera Performers at Daming Palace

Daming Palace, one of many archeological finds in Xi'an, was an enormous complex that contained an entire city in its day.
At the site we could see the foundations that have been unearthed.  They've begun recreating the vast place, and we were impressed.

Performers entertained crowds on an outside stage.  When we took a photo of some of them at a park, pulling costumes over their grubbies, they immediately surrounded us, put a hat on my head, and happily took pictures.

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Sunday, May 6, 2012


Elementary students on the bleachers at their track meet
Mom pauses with her daughter to talk to foreigners.  "How are you?"  "I am fine."
The children call out "Hello!" when they see the two of us walk by.  We stop and help them practice the phrases we know they're learning at school.  If the parents are there, they're delighted.